Phuket & Phi Phi Islands

Phuket & Phi Phi Islands

Phuket & Phi Phi Islands

  • Best Area to Stay


  • Best Food

    Wok Fried Vegetables & Green Curry

  • Best Excursion

    Ferry to Phi Phi Islands

  • Currency

    Thai Baht

  • Language


  • Best Time to Visit

    December to March

Our Experience

Day 1: Reunion in Paradise

Steph and I, continents apart, finally converged in the vibrant embrace of Phuket. The air at our enchanting hotel held the fragrance of frangipani, and as we reunited, it felt like the universe had conspired to bring us to this magical place.


Day 2: Mornings on the Rooftop

Awaking to the scent of banana pancakes, our mornings became a sensory symphony. Breakfast on the rooftop, overlooking the azure waters, set the stage for days filled with shared laughter and the promise of new discoveries.


Day 3: Phi Phi Island Discovery

A ferry ride to Phi Phi Island unfolded a paradise of crystal-clear waters and towering cliffs. Thai curry, stir fry, and spring rolls tantalized our taste buds, complemented by cocktails as we were entranced by the mesmerizing fire dancers.


Day 4: Hearts with the Elephants

Our journey took a compassionate turn as we visited an elephant rehabilitation center. Bathing these gentle giants felt like a silent exchange of trust. Hand-rolling sweet potato treats with bananas became moments of connection, leaving our hearts forever imprinted by the grace of these majestic creatures.


Day 5: Monkey Island Adventure

Embarking on a boat journey to Monkey Island, we were greeted by playful inhabitants eager for a share of our attention. Feeding these curious creatures became an unexpected highlight, adding a touch of wild charm to our Thai adventure.


Day 6: Culinary Triumphs

In a Thai cooking class, we delved into the heart of the cuisine. Mastering the art of Pad Thai, the aroma of lemongrass surrounded us as we chopped, stirred, and savored the vibrant colors of fresh ingredients. Culinary triumphs became shared victories, transforming our cooking class into a cherished memory.

As we bid farewell to the shores of Phuket, Phi Phi Island, and Monkey Island, our hearts are full. These diary entries are not just a record of places visited, but a testament to shared laughter, newfound connections, and the rich tapestry of moments that turned an adventure into a journey of the soul.